
Meet the team

Authentic people with a genuine passion to forge creative and meaningful software products crafted to suit your needs

Iwona Tryka - Product Designer
Agata Neale - Business Development
Bartosz Piekarz - Backend Developer
Kasia Gąsiorek - Software Developer
Mikołaj Bogucki - Software Developer
Olha Sereda - Software Developer
Ewu Sarad - Software Developer
Tomek Rusiłko - Product Consultant
Marta Panuszewska - Mobile Developer
Marta Połeć - Software Developer
Arek Kita - Software Developer
Hanna Seweryn - Full-Stack Developer
Mikołaj Gralak - Community Developer
Kirill Getmanskii - Android Developer
Kasia Bębenek - Office Manager
Kasia Frania - Product Consultant & Full-Stack Developer
Marysia Turnau - Full-Stack Developer
Janek Krzempek - iOS Developer
Monika Śmiałko - iOS Developer
Paweł Bordzieński - Agile Expert
Joanna Płatek - Software Developer
Sonia Kołacz - Quality Assurance Specialist
Weronika Ciesielska - Front-End Developer
Sebastian Strycharz - Android Developer
Pavlo Liebiediev - Backend Developer
Mateusz Bartkiewicz - Backend Developer
Asia Bażela - Front-End Developer
Iwona Tryka - Product Designer Iwona Tryka - Product Designer

Iwona Tryka

Product Designer

Iwona combines aesthetics with functionality to solve complex problems and create intuitive experiences for people from all backgrounds. With a deep commitment to conducting research and usability testing, Iwona ensures that her designs are inclusive and accessible. She is particularly passionate about game design and usability testing. She constantly seeks new ways to improve. In her free time, Iwona enjoys playing RPG games, watching animated movies, and baking. She also has a great fondness for kingfishers.

  • Wireframing
  • Charm
  • Poison resistance
Agata Neale - Business Development Agata Neale - Business Development

Agata Neale

Business Development

I love my role because I can engage in inspiring conversations with interesting people. In my position, I am responsible for the growth and see it from a broad perspective. Every business connection starts with human-to-human interaction, and I treasure these interactions exceptionally. If a conversation leads to collaboration - that is perfect. If not - that is also great, as most likely, we had an inspiring talk that led us to grow as humans. At Lunar Logic, I found the space where I can be myself around people dedicated to doing 'the right thing well'.

  • Communication
  • Flying
  • Social Anthropology and Philosophy
Bartosz Piekarz - Backend Developer Bartosz Piekarz - Backend Developer

Bartosz Piekarz

Backend Developer

Bartosz is our backend developer - a tech enthusiast and a curious soul with a passion for Ruby on Rails, astronomy, economics, cryptocurrencies, and, of course, dogs! When he's not coding, you'll likely find him lost in a book or exploring new technologies. One thing he's not so great at, though, is cooking - but fear not! His coding skills more than make up for his lack of culinary prowess. With his insatiable curiosity and drive to improve, he's constantly pushing himself to learn and grow.

  • Astronomy
  • Cooking
  • Curiosity
Kasia Gąsiorek - Software Developer Kasia Gąsiorek - Software Developer

Kasia Gąsiorek

Software Developer

Those glasses aren't for nothing. Kasia can spot every bug! Focused and tenacious, she believes in the power of an open mind to conquer any coding puzzle and contribute positively to the world in the process. Beyond the screen, Kasia finds joy in classic literature, exploring obscure music pieces, and a nice morning run. From time to time, she also enjoys some cheesecake.

  • Focus
  • Misplacing keys
  • Somersaults
Mikołaj Bogucki - Software Developer Mikołaj Bogucki - Software Developer

Mikołaj Bogucki

Software Developer

Meet Mikołaj, the backend developer who turns code and coffee into solutions. He's all about classical vibes, synth-pop beats, and diving into darkwave. When he's not cooking up tech magic, you'll catch him organizing bridge events and escaping reality with some fantasy or sci-fi reads. Whether it's lines of code or the pages of a sci-fi novel, the adventure never stops.

  • Remembering passwords
  • Cats
  • Commit messages
Olha Sereda - Software Developer Olha Sereda - Software Developer

Olha Sereda

Software Developer

Meet Olha, our dynamic frontend intern, the coder with a passion for both pixels and trails. When not googling how to center a <div>, you'll find Olha conquering coding challenges or competing through forest trails on weekends. Beyond coding and running, Olha transforms ordinary clothes into unique art using acrylic paints. And, of course, Olha's coding sessions are often accompanied by a bunch of chocolate cookies.

  • Centering a <div>
  • Chocolate cookies
  • Remembering import order
Ewu Sarad - Software Developer Ewu Sarad - Software Developer

Ewu Sarad

Software Developer

Ewelina is a person with diverse interests. She likes to challenge herself by learning new things and keeping up with the latest technology. Ewu is committed to completing tasks and won't rest until they are finished. One of her greatest sources of joy is developing apps and making music with others, with her favourite instrument being the viola. When she's not working, she enjoys going on adventures with her sons and exploring new places and bakeries with delicious cinnamon rolls. Because every day is a good day for discovering something special.

  • Performing experiments
  • Plants
  • Specific sense of humor
Tomek Rusiłko - Product Consultant Tomek Rusiłko - Product Consultant

Tomek Rusiłko

Product Consultant

Tomek’s a code whisperer with a big heart. He loves building zero-waste software, ensuring every line delivers value and weathers any storm. A leader and a fan of autonomous, empathy-driven teams, Tomek guides discovery phases, where his knack for designing clever experiments saves our clients money and keeps projects on track.

  • Less
  • More
Marta Panuszewska - Mobile Developer Marta Panuszewska - Mobile Developer

Marta Panuszewska

Mobile Developer

While Marta has a lot of passion for technology, her main focus are the humans around her. She constantly works on her communication skills and her goal is to be able to connect with anyone. She's happy to take on any mobile project and guide her team through the whole developement process. Privately, she's a huge musical theatre fan, passionate reader and gardener.

  • Tea
  • Board games
  • Printers
Marta Połeć - Software Developer Marta Połeć - Software Developer

Marta Połeć

Software Developer

In her work, Marta focuses on building valuable products. She finds joy in problem-solving, always seeking out elegant and straightforward solutions. Dedicated to honing her skills as a listener and facilitator, she fosters collaboration and mutual understanding among team members.

  • Problem-solving
  • Teaching
  • Sewing
Arek Kita - Software Developer Arek Kita - Software Developer

Arek Kita

Software Developer

What Arek loves about his job is that it combines creative and analytical thinking. He can be an artist and engineer at the same time! The best way of delivering great work in Arek's mind is through cooperation. He believes that teamwork is the key to success and makes achieving even the most daring goals possible. After work, Arek is learning how to sing and is doing it slowly, enjoying the process and cherishing the progress he's making.

  • Logic
  • Creativity
  • Growth
Hanna Seweryn - Full-Stack Developer Hanna Seweryn - Full-Stack Developer

Hanna Seweryn

Software Developer

Hanna doesn’t like to stand in the front row. She much prefers to send her team members there every now and then. Of course, sharing her experience first. After all, if they learn, she won’t have to stand there, or will she? One of the things she enjoys most about software development is solving the problems of others and watching the people around her grow.

  • Sleepyhead
  • Gardening
  • Singing
Mikołaj Gralak - Community Developer Mikołaj Gralak - Community Developer

Mikołaj Garlak

Community Developer

In organizations, Miko does things that are needed but no one wants to do them. In the case of Lunar, Miko uses his experience in marketing and people operations. In life, Miko believes that helping the environment and people around him grow is the best way to achieve happiness and success. His curiosity and desire to learn deeply about how the world works accompany him at every step. He loves random jokes and pancakes.

  • Curiosity
  • Listening
  • (e)Sport
Kirill Getmanskii - Android Developer Kirill Getmanskii - Android Developer

Kirill Getmanskii

Android Developer

Kirill sees the greatest purpose of software in saving people's time. Having tried different paths, Kirill chose to become an Android dev. What he lacks in experience he makes up for in enthusiasm and perseverance. When it comes to recharging his energy, Kirill usually goes hiking where you can find him playing guitar, trying to start a fire, or putting up a tent.

  • Perseverance
  • Learning
  • Putting up a tent
Kasia Bębenek - Office Manager Kasia Bębenek - Office Manager

Kasia Bębenek

Office Manager

The biggest mess is on Kasia's desk - but that's because that's where all the company documents come. She makes sure that all of them go to the right drawer :) and that no invoice is forgotten. She tries to follow the rule that it's better to build a bridge than a wall.

  • Geology
  • Plants
  • Cooking
Kasia Frania - Product Consultant & Full-Stack Developer Kasia Frania - Product Consultant & Full-Stack Developer

Kasia Frania

Product Consultant & Full-Stack Developer

Kasia is curious about a process of building products and is always eager to participate in Product Discovery activities to understand user problems and needs. She aspires to produce high-quality code while also fostering high-quality relationships with both clients and team members. At Lunar, she greatly appreciates the freedom to experiment and innovate.

  • Painting
  • Pilates
  • Silesian dialect
Marysia Turnau - Full-Stack Developer Marysia Turnau - Full-Stack Developer

Marysia Turnau

Software Developer

Marysia has always been torn between the humanities and the sciences. After some educational complications (like taking high school finals in computer science after three years of journalism classes), she ended up as a software engineer. After years of coding she prides herself in writing applications making happy both ultra geeks and people actually using it. Uses her algorithmic mind to cook four course dinners in one hour and feeds her humanistic soul with philosophical conversations at lunchtime.

  • Mornings
  • Sarcasm
  • Feeding people
Janek Krzempek - iOS Developer Janek Krzempek - iOS Developer

Janek Krzempek

iOS Developer

Janek is an iOS developer. For as long as he can remember, Janek has always loved technology. It led Janek to the programming world, where he had found his passion for mobile development. Dreaming of a fully functional AI, he enthusiastically turned to the topic of machine learning. When it comes to rest, occasionally he likes to run or meditate. Every morning a great cup of coffee is a must. In Janek's experience, it is never too hot to wear a hoodie.

  • Machine learning
  • Star Wars
  • Wearing a hoodie
Monika Śmiałko - iOS Developer Monika Śmiałko - iOS Developer

Monika Śmiałko

iOS Developer

Monika's an iOS developer with a love for all things Apple. For her, it’s not about coding but rather bringing product ideas to life. When she steps away from the screen, you can find her curled up with a good book, knitting a new creation or rewatching her fav series. Baking and cooking bring her lots of joy, especially when she's joined by her toddlers, turning their kitchen into a bustling playground of flavours and creativity (and mess).

  • Problem solving
  • Sense of direction
  • Gryffindor
Paweł Bordzieński - Agile Expert Paweł Bordzieński - Agile Expert

Pawel Brodzinski

Chief Cook and Bottle-Washer

Gardener of Lunar Logic. Seasoned leader. Persistent experimenter. Keynote speaker and university lecturer. Lean and Agile coach. Whiteboard junkie. Prolific blogger. Willing sailor. Believes that trust is an indispensable part of every endeavor and the glass is always half-full.

  • Sailing
  • Financial statement poetry
  • Beer
Joanna Płatek - Software Developer Joanna Płatek - Software Developer

Joanna Płatek

Software Developer

Joanna is quite small. You could judge her by her height but you would make gigantic mistake. Her big heart and enormous motivation to learn new things is what makes her tick. That's why she's with us in the first place. Besides that, she likes cats (who doesn't) and sweets (who doesn't). In case you asked, her biggest dream is to have a house with a swimming pool. Dreams make life worth living, right? That and an awesome job, of course.

  • Big heart
  • Cats
  • Sweets
Sonia Kołacz - Quality Assurance Specialist Sonia Kołacz - Quality Assurance Specialist

Sonia Kołacz

Software Tester

Sonia is a detail-oriented person with an analytical mind, she also enjoys breaking and fixing stuff. Altogether it makes her passionate about testing all kind of applications for 4 years. She cares deeply about the quality of the delivered products, UX and accessibility. In her free time she enjoys playing World of Warcraft with a bunch of friends and cooking for her loved ones. She is also knowledgeable in other areas such as economics, astronomy and has many other hidden talents.

  • Economics
  • Video games
  • Big data
Weronika Ciesielska - Front-End Developer Weronika Ciesielska - Front-End Developer

Weronika Ciesielska

Front-End Developer

Weronika likes to know things, which makes her tireless when it comes to learning, bug solving and reading about all kinds of curiosities. She won't rest until she fully understands every detail of what she's currently working on. Weronika loves making things pretty, that's why she's so passionate about frontend and CSS. In her free time she creates edible art out of pie dough, draws and cheers for her favourite e-sport team.

  • Pie art
  • Dogs
  • Curiosity
Sebastian Strycharz - Android Developer Sebastian Strycharz - Android Developer

Sebastian Strycharz

Android Developer

Sebastian is a developer by trade but also a passionate handyman who loves fixing and building things. In his free time, you can find him tinkering with electronics or making repairs around the house. With his technical skills, creativity, and can-do attitude, there's no problem he can't solve.

  • Problem-solving
  • Cats
  • Chess
Pavlo Liebiediev - Backend Developer Pavlo Liebiediev - Backend Developer

Pavlo Liebiediev

Backend Developer

Pavlo is a resourceful backend developer with a keen eye for detail. His unique background—blending technology and molecular complexity—fosters an analytical mindset for tackling coding challenges with ease. Dedicated to growth, Pavlo combines his passion for science and technology to contribute effectively in the digital realm. Inspired by nature's intricate designs, he brings a fresh perspective to his work.

  • Molecular Cloning
  • Modular Synthesizers
  • Cats
Mateusz Bartkiewicz - Backend Developer Mateusz Bartkiewicz - Backend Developer

Mateusz Bartkiewicz

Backend Developer

Meet Mateusz, who's a passionate and analytical individual with a love for technology. With a collaborative mindset honed through team sports, Mateusz brings his team-oriented spirit to his work. Mateusz is fascinated by new technologies and innovations, with a particular interest in emerging developments in the space industry. With solid problem-solving skills and a drive to learn, Mateusz is a valuable addition to any team seeking a dedicated and talented individual.

  • Dunking
  • Watering plants
  • Lifting weights
Asia Bażela - Front-End Developer Asia Bażela - Front-End Developer

Asia Bażela

Front-End Developer

What Asia especially likes about the programming process is that it's similar to the art—the code can be more precise, simpler, and more beautiful given experience and time. She enjoys learning React tricks and best practices and implementing them in apps. She admires absurd humor, choral singing, and beauty. One of her dreams is to live in a house in her beloved Low Beskids.

  • Sense of smell
  • Massage
  • Crying at the movies
Iwona Tryka - Product Designer
Agata Neale - Business Development
Bartosz Piekarz - Backend Developer
Kasia Gąsiorek - Software Developer
Mikołaj Bogucki - Software Developer
Olha Sereda - Software Developer
Ewu Sarad - Software Developer
Tomek Rusiłko - Product Consultant
Marta Panuszewska - Mobile Developer
Marta Połeć - Software Developer
Arek Kita - Software Developer
Hanna Seweryn - Full-Stack Developer
Mikołaj Gralak - Community Developer
Kirill Getmanskii - Android Developer
Kasia Bębenek - Office Manager
Kasia Frania - Product Consultant & Full-Stack Developer
Marysia Turnau - Full-Stack Developer
Janek Krzempek - iOS Developer
Monika Śmiałko - iOS Developer
Paweł Bordzieński - Agile Expert
Joanna Płatek - Software Developer
Sonia Kołacz - Quality Assurance Specialist
Weronika Ciesielska - Front-End Developer
Sebastian Strycharz - Android Developer
Pavlo Liebiediev - Backend Developer
Mateusz Bartkiewicz - Backend Developer
Asia Bażela - Front-End Developer

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our work and knowledge

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